LT@FBK highlights 2024

Language Technology Research Highlights @ FBK 2024


The Language Technology Highlights 2024 (LT@FBK2024) is organised to bring together scientists, students, practitioners, and enthusiasts who are interested in language technologies and want to know more about the recent research achievements at FBK on this topic. 

This one-day event will take place at FBK premises in Povo (TN) in Sala Stringa on 2 October 2024 from 9am to 5pm. It will showcase an invited keynote and a series of oral and poster presentations. This year, we are excited to feature twelve oral presentations of papers accepted at top-tier LT venues (*ACL and EMNLP). We will also have a dedicated session where each LT unit will discuss core activities, which will provide interesting insights into future progress of the field. 

Free registration through Eventbrite is required to attend in person.

Keynote speaker

Barbara Plank (LMU Munich)

Are LLMs narrowing our Horizon? Let's embrace variation in NLP! 

Keynote talk at ACL 2024

Program at a Glance   (detailed program here)

09.00 - 09.15


09.15 - 10.00

Keynote talk: Barbara Plank

Are LLMs narrowing our Horizon? Let's embrace variation in NLP!

10.00 - 10.45

Session 1: LT and Foundation Models

10.45 - 11.15

Coffee break

11.15 - 12.00

Session 2: Trustworthy and Reproducible LT

12.00 - 13.00

Building the LT Future: 

Insights from the LT@FBK research units: NLP, IDA, STEK, LAND, DH, MT

13.00 - 14.00


14.00 - 14.45

Session 3: Human-centered LT

14.45 - 15.30

Session 3: LT Applications and Datasets

15.30 - 16.45

Posters + Coffee break

16.45 - 17.00

Closing remarks


Luisa Bentivogli

MT Unit

Alessio Brutti


Marco Guerini


Sara Tonelli

DH Unit
